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Wednesday, December 2, 2015


“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, & the government will
be on his shoulders.
& he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6
that's d antonovich standing behind the podium...I just wonder why they call him "mayor" . they even wrote "mayor" on the sign affixed to the podium. also see
 i have been coming to the music center Christmas events for many years now, and they are, in general, pretty good, but sometimes the "ushers" (ie various workers supposed to be assisting the event can be a bit b ossy. Even when I moved a chair to a spot to see better one of them snapped at me "you can't move that chair ..." .so I moved it to another spot, and another worker immediately came to me and said "you can't sit there" so I tried a 3rd time and was told again you cant sit there...even though there was another person sitting in a chair right next to me. they said "she just had surgery" . do you want us to tell her to move? I said of course not, But even though I am a man, and 48 y ears old, doesn't mean I might not have health problems as well. IN fact I have a disability that caused me great discomfort if I have to stand for very long. But then I am a white male and i think most of these workers (n onon whites ) enjoy the opportunity to boss me around and not believe me about anything.

 A PLAY CALLED "THE CHRISTIANS" ? I wonder how they are going to crucify JESUS  again ? If this is being done by liberals (and aren't all theatrical presentations done by liberals around L.A.) you can be sure it's not going to depict "The Christians" as good people. But then, we all need to remember, we're not going to heaven for being GOOD, but for being FORGIVEN.

“[The shepherds] hurried off & found Mary & Joseph, & the baby
[Jesus], who was lying in the
manger. When they had seen him, they spread
the word
concerning what had been told them about this child, & all who
heard it were amazed... But Mary treasured up all these things & pondered
them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying & praising God for
all the things they had heard & seen, which were just as they had been
told.” Luke 2:16-20