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Saturday, April 20, 2019

yes "The Lord’s Supper now! " | The Christian Post

"As we go back to reread the ancient story, its beauty and relevance fittingly grab our attention. " This is my body. It is given for you ." Jesus said. " Every time you eat it, do this in memory of me ." Different churches have preferences in their interpretations and styles of their formal reproduction of this event, as we have seen. At the same time, Jesus himself invites us to join him in his narrative in our personal lives, too. All pieces of Bread that we receive and eat, we can receive and eat as gifts of the Lamb of God's real presence and amazing grace. The gift of Bread as Jesus' body is such a stunning revelation – that when he adds that we should always eat Bread "in remembrance" of him, the point is almost redundant. Jesus' gracious gift is so memorable, we should think of Jesus every time we see a piece of Bread! "